Java developers are in high demand and the need is evident in large corporations. IT job sites like Dice and Indeed stay flush with Java opportunities with a reported number close to 16000 in a day. Regardless of the positive outlook, Java developers need to build upon their skills to stay relevant and marketable.
A certification in Java is one of the most highly recognized IT credentials in the industry and it can do a lot for you and your career! Here are the Top 10 reasons why you should get Java Certified:
Higher Earning Potential
It is evident from global researches that certified individuals usually earn more money than their non-certified peers. Though most of the jobs do not state certification as a mandate, there are certain jobs like government and other elite class profiles which require certification as preference.
One of the Most Highly Recognized Certifications in the Industry
A Java certification can boost your prospects of getting hired especially when you are new to the industry.
Hiring Advantages Over Non-Certified Professionals
If you are questioning the scope and demand for Java certifications here is some food for thought.
If you are looking forward to specialize in areas that are relevant to your day-to-day job and career goals, it would be beneficial to know that the Java Certification path has also been designed to align to real-world job roles and functions.
Your Employer May Pay For It
The good news is that there are strong chances that you need not pay for the exams. Many companies support training and certifications for their employees to help support career growth and because of the value it brings to the organization. Your company may be one of them!
Skilled Java Developers and Programmers are in high demand
According to a recent study, Java development has supplanted IT security as the most difficult skill set for hiring managers to locate.
Increased Performance
According to study done by IDC it was found that Java certification has a positive impact on improving organizational performance.
Networking and Exclusive Community Benefits
As an Oracle Certified Professional, you will get access to the exclusive LinkedIn communities which provide opportunities to grow your network and engage with other certified peers. Through classes, online forums, networking sites and technical conferences you can engage with others who share your interests and can be resources when you are looking for support on something.
Help Your Company Increase Business
This may be specifically relevant in the government IT sector. Some contracts allow for only hiring companies with certified If you’re self-employed as an IT consultant or analyst, having certification to back up your work experience can be crucial in getting new clients. Those companies will know that you have a certain level of knowledge, and will look at your resume more favorably.
Boost Your Confidence
Having a credential which is highly in demand is really good for your professional career. As an added bonus, you can hang your certificate on the wall as well to show off your technical expertise to your co-workers, clients, friends and family.
Address Knowledge and Skill Gaps
You are looking for a training program that not only provides you a sound understanding and knowledge base of Java but at the same time prepares for the certification exam as well.
Eureka! You have a solution just a click away. Multisoft Virtual Academy, a pioneer name in providing access to professional online trainings, is trusted by millions for its JAVA Online Training which is just the appropriate solution. Preparing for a certification gives a great opportunity to find own weaknesses and brush up the skills. Certification preparation can help you round out your skill set. Join the bandwagon with the right skillset.
Shivali is a Senior Content Creator at Multisoft Virtual Academy, where she writes about various technologies, such as ERP, Cyber Security, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. With her extensive knowledge and experience in different fields, she is able to provide valuable insights and information to her readers. Shivali is passionate about researching technology and startups, and she is always eager to learn and share her findings with others. You can connect with Shivali through LinkedIn and Twitter to stay updated with her latest articles and to engage in professional discussions.